
It's Offical

It's offical. I have writer's block. Is it possible to have writer's block if I'm not a real writer? lol. I have set a deadline for myself, July 15th. I feel that will be enough time to get my stories done, edited and published before my Grandma's birthday. Plus if I have a deadline, there will be pressure (like a REAL writer!) I'm hoping this Thursday my brain will finally give me something like my 'Target' story, I mean that story literally just poured out of me! Thursday I am babysitting for a friend of ours so I figured I will have the entire day to write! I'm going to be making outlines until then to help my creative juices flowing! Ok, I just wanted you all out there (hi mom) to know what's up...plus I will probably post my book that I have two chapters done sometime soon as well:)

1 comment:

  1. Ok I can agree that perhaps you will have more ideas to write on Thursday but omgoodness you will have your eyes opened if you really think you will be able to "write all day" watching a baby! You made me laugh out loud!!! Love you and a word of advice from a "non-writer" ""Don't try so hard"? perhaps you are thinking too much?
