I'm currently reading a book titled A Memoir Project by Marion Roach Smith. It talks about how to start writing for intent and to not do writing exercises as most books would tell you. I love her advice and there were so many things that I wanted to remember that I needed to get my pen out and highlight a bunch of stuff. Some of the advice that stuck out to me the most would have to be: a time. I usually think to myself - you can not just sit down and write at a certain time every single day. At the same time however, this is a job I want to have, so I do need to get into the habit of writing as a job. Yes it is something I enjoy but why not get paid for it as well? Anyway she says you DO need to sit down at a DESK preferably at the same time every day and start writing. 2 things about this... 1. I do not write the same time every single day and 2. I do not have a desk of my own to write at. I do most of my writing where ever I am (i.e. behind a bar, in bed, on the bus, on the balcony etc.)
So what does this have to do with 750 words? Well I found out about this website called 750words.com. It encourages you to write 750 words a day. Now sure you can sign up and then not write every single day like you vow to yourself to do (sounds like I'm talking for experience huh?) So they have this 'challenge' which I signed up to do in November. I have to write 750 words a day for 30 days or my name goes up on a wall of shame. Oh the shame. If I do write every day for 30 days I get a reward, one that I have chosen for myself which is a desk from the Brown Elephant (which is a second hand store here in Chicago).
I am so excited for my desk! I mean yeah I still have 30 days ahead of me that I need to write (gulp) but for a desk, I'll do it! Plus that is a great start to my books! Why am I so excited for a desk? Well currently our desk is in our living room where everyone gathers. It is a little distracting with animals, humans, and TV to come up with creativity on spot. Plus Stephen needs the desk/computer 90% of time for 'school work'. and his books are all over it ( I know I sound ridiculous right now) but I do want my own space.
So what happens at 1 o'clock? One is the time that I have chosen to sit and write every day. I plan on writing for an hour. It can be for my book, for my blog, or it can even be a letter/email to a friend or family member. I just want to write for an hour with no interruptions. I think it will be interesting. I will keep you updated on how my writing is going over at 750words.com and if I find it good enough I will be happy to share it with you.
One last note, Marion made a statement about first drafts in her book that made me think. She calls first drafts 'Vomit Drafts' mainly because they are messy and everything in you comes out. Ew, what a way to think of it. But it totally makes sense and unfortunately for time purposes my Grandma's book probably should have been titled 'Short Vomit Stories for Grandma' as most of the stories that were in her book were still first or second drafts. Oh well, she loved it, it was good experience so I'll chalk it up to a beginners mistake.
Anyway, I still have 39 minutes left in my first session of writing at 1 o'clock so I think I will go work on a book:)
you go girl!! I know you can do this! I love the vomit story aspect but am glad you didn't really call it that for G'ma!!