
One topic leads to another

Today all I wanted to do was sit in the sunshine and read my book. Today was in the high 70s which is a bit odd for this time of year (but then again it is the Midwest, it could be snowing tomorrow) I sat on our balcony with the chicken soup book and let my senses take it all in. I could feel the warmth from the sun kiss my skin. I was listening to the bird's sing to God and praise His beauty. I could smell the sweat that had developed on my skin and it smelled of summer. My eyes took in more words of encouragement about writing and mostly importantly my brain took everything in all at once to come to the conclusion that it was a fabulous day to be alive!

I was so inspired to write again that I pulled out a piece of paper  and pen and began to the woman that has been on my mind that past few days: my grandma. I don't know why God has been putting her in my thoughts but I thought it might be time to tell her how I feel and not in three words that are suppose to mean so much and yet can not express my admiration, gratitude, and inspiration that I feel with memories of her.

I wanted to let her know that I admire and look up to her as a woman of God and aspire to one day have a relationship with Him as she does. I want to be able to be a witness as I feel she is, I want people to be able to see God working through  my life as I have seen Him work through hers. I know we all have doubts about  ourselves but I feel that it is important to let my grandmother know all the positives attributes I see in her.

I don't think my generation (myself included) can fully understand where we are going until we know where we came from. Unfortunately it is usually too late to find out where that is because we have pushed aside our relationships with the elders in our life for 'more important' things or at least things that we feel are more important. It isn't until they are gone that we realize the importance of a relationship. I worry about our future because I don't think this realization is happening as often as it should. We don't understand what we are missing out on because we do not value those relationships and life lessons we can gain from them the way those before us did. I don't want to be one of those people, I want to learn more about my family and where they have been and have come from so I can appreciate them the way I should and of course have a deeper appreciation for who I am as well.

I think it is important to tell those who are important to you how you feel and why you feel those things. Do it before it is too late. It is hard living life with regrets, so do not let this be one of them. Now go and let someone know how you feel about them; work at building a stronger relationship with them it will make their life and yours so much better.

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